Space Management in Python

Learn how to create and update spaces in GlassFlow using the Python SDK


In order to manage your pipelines and spaces with the SDK, you need to provide the PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN to the GlassFlow client. This is available in your profile section of the GlassFlow App

Create Space

You can create a new space using the SDK, which returns a Space object. Space names are not unique, so you can create multiple spaces with the same name. Each space is uniquely identified by a space_id. When creating pipelines, you must always specify the space_id of the space where the pipeline should be created.
📌 Full API reference GlassFlowClient.create_space

List Spaces

Retrieve details about all your spaces.
📌 Full API reference GlassFlowClient.list_spaces

Delete Space

You can delete a space only if there are no pipelines within it. If pipelines exist, you must delete them before deleting the space.
📌 Full API reference Space.delete