Start for free. Decide later.

There is no catch for you. Simplified pricing so you can finally understand your bill.


Free forever
No credit card required
3 pipelines
100k events/1GB
Backups up to 7 days
SLA 95%


Starting at
No credit card required
50 pipelines
20m events/20GB
Backups up to 14 days
SLA 99%
Dedicated account manager
Managed connectors


Starting at
No credit card required
Unlimited pipelines
Unlimited events/GB
Unlimited backups
SLA 99.5%
Dedicated account manager
Managed connectors
BYOC included
Multiple cloud support

Included in all plans

Unlimited users
Slack support
Transformation templates
Logs report
Pipeline Observability
Pricing hero background image

Why Glassflow

  • Zero Infrastructure icon

    Zero Infrastructure

    You define the Python functions and we run the infra. Simple.

  • Native Python icon

    Native Python

    End-to-end native Python for your pipelines. Forget the Python wrappers and use any Py library you want.

  • Build in 15 minutes. icon

    Build in 15 minutes.

    Set up your pipeline in just minutes. Get auto scaling of your infra, low latency and optimal data retention. Our templates and connectors will get you ready super quick.

See what you can build with GlassFlow

GlassFlows strengths are in the simplicity of creating event-driven data pipelines. Due to the agnostic technology you can build use cases in several categories.

GlassFlow logoGlassFlow

Unstructured to Structured Data for Video Content

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GlassFlow logoGlassFlow

Real-time Data Enrichment using Geo Location API

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GlassFlow logoGlassFlow

OpenTelemetry Log Transformation and Ingestion to Clickhouse

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GlassFlow logoGlassFlow

PII Detection and Masking on Unstructured Data using Hugging Face.

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GlassFlow logoGlassFlow

Spam Detection with OpenAI

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GlassFlow logoGlassFlow

Unstructured to Structured Data for Video Content

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GlassFlow logoGlassFlow

Real-time Data Enrichment using Geo Location API

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GlassFlow logoGlassFlow

OpenTelemetry Log Transformation and Ingestion to Clickhouse

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GlassFlow logoGlassFlow

PII Detection and Masking on Unstructured Data using Hugging Face.

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GlassFlow logoGlassFlow

Spam Detection with OpenAI

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GlassFlow logoGlassFlow

Unstructured to Structured Data for Video Content

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Frequently asked questions

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions after reviewing our FAQs.

After your free trial finishes and you do not purchase a business or enterprise plan, your account will be downgraded to the free plan. Your first 3 created pipelines will keep running.

We want our users to experience our product before committing to it. Other managed services do not offer a free plan, which we believe is not user-centric enough.

GlassFlow is a cost-efficient solution for event-based data pipelines. Usually, when building those pipelines, you need a message broker (go-to solution is a managed Apache Kafka) and a transformation engine (go-to solution is a managed Apache Flink). With GlassFlow, you save ca. 30% on costs compared to managed services like AWS MSK. Additionally, you already have a transformation engine included, which you usually would need to buy in addition to the message broker.

They are annual subscriptions, with a minimum monthly price (see starting at). We charge you at the end of the month based on your usage. Our free package has no costs for our users.

Yes, we have a CLI that you can download and try on your local machine.

GlassFlow is using NATS Jetstream for the message broker part of the product. That allows us to process up to 3 million messages per second with the same latency as Kafka services.

Supported by our users

Do not listen to us. Listen to them.

  • GlassFlow team managed to turn my scattered thoughts regarding the data streaming into a Python masterpiece.
    ⁠Anurag Roy@Doorlabs
  • Creating a data pipeline with GlassFlow is incredibly straightforward
    ⁠Swapnil Gupta@Deloitte
  • I am fed up with overcomplicated event-based pipelines. Finally a team that will make my life easier.
    Philippe Brule@aboutphilippe
  • Love the way they team tackles the complexity of building and sharing streaming pipelines.
    Rakesh Kaswan@KaswanRakesh
  • As a Python dev starting with data streaming, you should absolutely give Glassflow a try.
    ⁠Dinesh Marimuthu@Bilthouse
  • Something is cooking here! Super excited to test your solution.
    Joash Xu@joashxu
Testimonials background

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Reach out and we show you how GlassFlow interacts with your existing data stack.

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